
Founded by Natasha Stephenson, Natural by Natasha grew from a home garden and blossomed into a business.

Circa 2012, Natasha became disturbed as she learned that her everyday household products, from hair conditioners to surface cleaners, were ridden with toxic chemicals. It was then that Natasha began forming simple recipes with only the natural ingredients found in her kitchen. Soon she was nicknamed “Mother Nature” and began taking direct orders from family members and friends, who were unanimously shocked by the effectiveness of the authentic products.

Now, as a true Mother, Natasha maintains peace of mind knowing that every ingredient used on her small children and around the house is 100% natural and safe. This fundamental way of living simply requires a conscious awareness of what is good for you, others, and the Earth. Natural by Natasha serves to remind us that the most powerful resources are naturally occurring on our planet, and if used properly, can nourish us for a lifetime.